Functions (API)


override(overrideOptions: MantineThemeOverride, theme?: any)- To override or to add theme options
import { synthwave } from "manthemes/daisyui";
function App() {
const overridedSynthwave = synthwave.override({
dir: "rtl",
colors: {
red: [/* ... */]
/* ... */
return (
<MantineProvider theme={overridedSynthwave} withGlobalStyles withNormalizeCSS>
<Outlet />


getColor(color: MantineColor, theme?: any) - To get a color of a theme
import { synthwave } from "manthemes/daisyui";
function App() {
// Returns the shades of the blue color
const synthwavePrimaryColor = synthwave.getColor("blue");
return (
<MantineProvider theme={synthwave} withGlobalStyles withNormalizeCSS>
<Outlet />


getColors(theme?: any) - Get all colors of a theme
import { synthwave } from "manthemes/daisyui";
function App() {
// Returns all colors of the synthwave theme
const allColors = synthwave.getColors();
return (
<MantineProvider theme={synthwave} withGlobalStyles withNormalizeCSS>
<Outlet />